Tuesday 6 March 2012

Continuing the Dialogue

Over at Metropolitan Hamilton, an essay of mine about the importance of NAs has been published. 

Thanks to Mahesh P. Butani for both publishing it...and adding to its effectiveness, visually. 

Monday 5 March 2012

Neighbourhood Maps

I've created separate maps for all the wards based on this master-map, denoting the historical neighbourhoods. As well, I've marked (where possible) existing 'neighbourhood associations'. (Wards 14 and 15 have no acknowledged neighbourhoods.)

To see them, just click on '

Sunday 4 March 2012

An Introductory Message

 (This post was originally found here.)

This site is a marker for what's hoped will be unfolding in 2012: a concerted effort to see existing community and neighbourhood associations in Greater Hamilton flourish, network and share resources, as well as provide opportunities for those areas currently without associations to establish ones. We see the end result as a federation NAs holding a regular congress or convention.


Mostly because it's our belief that the most profound changes towards better local governance can occur as a result of Hamilton's citizenry changing its role. Because we believe the most potent aspect of the 'great governance formula' is the untapped energies of community and neighbourhood associations. As it's clear that so many situations unfold where a lack of communication with, transparency to and consideration for the very people whose lives are being affected by decisions made by others, we imagine a better way, where people are heard, where dialogue is mandated, where local residents are not ignored, where bad decisions can be avoided.

'There's strength in numbers.'

There's much to be hopeful for in this city's future. Banding together, generating better understanding, deeper cohesion and a unified voice will
surely help those hopes be realized.

This site is merely a starting point, and we invite you to join us on the journey towards a better Hamilton.